Fotograflarımla yaşama göz kırpıyorum!
I am Guzin. At the beginning 1980s, I have met the photography when I started a course in Ankara. Putting it like that would not do justice to my father. Indeed, we always had a camera at home since I was born. I remember myself holding my father's gusseted camera branded "bessa voglander" when I was a teenager. Objective and viewfinder were controlled by the different lenses at this camera which used 6x6 photo-films. The image I saw through viewfinder was proper but not the same on the printed photo. Total disappointed, I stayed away from photography until I started to follow photography courses organized by Ankara Fotograf Sanatçıları Derneği / AFSAD / Ankara Association of Photographers.
I started taking photos with my second hand camera branded CANON FTB. Later on, I bought my second new camera branded Pentax Super A and also I couldn't use it long time because it fell down.
I was not interested in taking photos any more until my friends gave a digital camera as a retirement present and then I started again taking photos.
When, I got retired, I could use my time as I want. There were many things to do. One of them was to travel the world. So, I hit the road. I met new people, new cultures. I took photos. I wrote my memories. I have a blog to share my memories and my photos with my followers.
My special interest is "street photography". While travelling, I never had special interest in trying different cuisines like many people would have. I am conservative about the new flavors but I really enjoy sitting around the table, speaking with the people and observing how they behave. Same for people in the “street”. With encouragement from my friends and help of my friend Turgaz Tezgin, I made this website, only for my photos. Everybody visiting this website is a guest for me. Every contribution is motivating me and a push to take better photos. I hereby, invite you to a little journey through my photography.
“An” dokunulmaz ve uçucudur! An, bu yüzden zamanın en önemli değer ölçütüdür. Fotoğrafın “altın ölçeğinde” ana dokunmak, yaşamın farkında olmakla eş anlamlıdır.
Ahmet Önel